Bathroom & Kitchen Plumbing Remodeling Services

Bathroom & Kitchen Plumbing Remodeling

Beyond our repair services, we also offer comprehensive plumbing remodels for those renovating their home or building a custom house. At Drain King Plumbers, we will work with you to help make your dream bathroom or kitchen a reality. We have extensive experience in creating custom kitchens, bathrooms, and home plumbing systems for families in Toronto and the GTA. By ensuring we understand the needs of your family, we can help recommend the most cost-efficient and least time-consuming installation process possible.

Here are some areas where we can assist with your remodel:

  • Choose your layout before settling on fixtures

    When most people look at renovating their kitchen or bathroom, their first focus is on the type of fixture they want. We get it – we’re homeowners too – and we understand that you want to personalize your home to suit your family’s needs. However, the layout of your new bathroom or kitchen is important in determining what fixture styles are suitable for the room. Once you have determined a suitable layout, you can find fixtures that suit the room.

  • Whenever possible, tie new plumbing fixtures into existing drain branches

    For those looking for a complete remodel in their bathroom or kitchen, it is always a good idea to determine if you can tie your new plumbing fixtures into existing drain branches. Unless your home has suffered from plumbing issues in the past, utilizing your current system will save you time and money in installation costs.

  • Embrace sustainable plumbing practices

    The plumbing industry is shifting towards green, sustainable fixtures. Not only will these fixtures decrease your water bill and help you save water on a daily basis, but they are also designed to last significantly longer than less eco-friendly alternatives. For any plumbing remodel, the goal should be to create an efficient plumbing system that will not need constant repairs and adjustments. Eco-friendly solutions are designed for ultimate sustainability, which will save you time and money in the long-term. As an added bonus: sustainable plumbing options can even increase the value of your house.

Commercial Remodels

We also offer a full range of commercial plumbing services for small businesses, public spaces, and large apartment complexes. Our team is able to accommodate plumbing remodel projects of any size, so feel free to get in touch to talk about your next remodel.

For more information about how we can help with your next plumbing remodel, call Drain King Plumbers at (416) 661-5464 or contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is bathroom and kitchen plumbing remodeling?

Bathroom and kitchen plumbing remodeling involves upgrading or renovating the plumbing systems in these areas to improve functionality, efficiency, and aesthetics. It often includes replacing old pipes, fixtures, and appliances.

Why should I consider plumbing remodeling for my bathroom and kitchen?

Plumbing remodeling can enhance the overall value of your home, reduce water wastage, improve water pressure, and update the look and feel of these essential spaces. It can also address potential plumbing issues before they become costly problems.

What plumbing services are typically included in bathroom and kitchen remodeling?

Services can vary, but common plumbing remodeling tasks include installing new faucets, sinks, toilets, showers, bathtubs, water heaters, and pipes. It may also involve rerouting or relocating plumbing lines to accommodate design changes.

How long does a bathroom or kitchen plumbing remodeling project take?

The duration depends on the scope and complexity of the project. Simple upgrades may take a few days, while extensive renovations can take several weeks. Your contractor can provide a more accurate timeline.

What permits or approvals might be needed for plumbing remodeling?

The need for permits and approvals varies by location and the extent of the project. Typically, major plumbing work will require permits, so it’s essential to check with your local building department.

How can I choose the right fixtures and appliances for my bathroom and kitchen?

Consider your budget, style preferences, and functionality needs. Consult with a professional plumber or designer who can help you select fixtures and appliances that fit your vision and meet your practical requirements.