Basement Flood Protection Services

Flooding in GTA Homes

Flooding in the GTA is relatively common, especially for older homes and buildings built in low-lying areas. Especially after times of heavy, consistent rainfall or significant snow-melting, these properties are more susceptible to flooding, which can cause serious damage to the foundation. Not only can excessive flood water cause structural damage and leaks in your home, but it can even be full of bacteria and other waste.

Common Sources of Flooding

In Toronto and the GTA, we have encounter many different sources of flooding, and each presents a different threat. We have the experience necessary to approach each with a strategy sure to solve the problem in the fastest and most efficient way possible. Here are several common sources of flooding:

  • Excessive rainfall overflows the sewers, resulting in sewage backup in your home
  • Run-off rainwater cannot be absorbed into the soil, so it flows over the ground and penetrates through your foundation
  • Local drainage systems cannot handle the amount of rain and flooding, causing surface water to overflow and flood property
  • Groundwater levels rise above surface levels, causing damage to your foundation from below
  • River water rises and overflows beyond the normal river channel

Waterproofing Your Basement

There are a variety of options available for homeowners looking to protect themselves from flooding. In fact, the city of Toronto offers a subsidy for flood protection services, which can assist you in being able to afford a solution to your flooding issues:

  • Sump Pump

    Sump pumps are designed to pump water out of your home. They sit in small pits that absorb the flow of water into your home, and the sump pump then pumps the water back out. This pump requires power, so it will require an alternate power source during power outages, or it could result in flooding.

  • Backwater Valve

    Backwater valves are devices installed in basements that allow you to prevent sewage from backing up into your basement. When the main sewer line overflows, your waste cannot expel from your home sewage system, resulting in a backup. This valve prevents external waste from coming back into your home.

  • Overflow Protection

    For new residential and commercial building being constructed, we offer a variety of overflow protection services that can be installed during the construction process. At Drain King Plumbers, we will work with you to design the optimal plumbing and sewage system for your specific needs.

For more information on how to protect your home from flooding, call Drain King Plumbers at (416) 661-5464 or contact us here.

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Drain Cleaning: Frequently Asked Questions

How can plumbers protect my home from floods?

Plumbers can install flood prevention devices to prevent basement flooding.

What process is involved in flood protection?

The process of flood protection includes installing a device such as a backwater valve in your sewer line, as well as installing a sump pump to redirect storm water away from your property.

What are the consequences of not flood protecting my property?

If you do not install flood protection devices your property is more suseptible to flooding.

What equipment is used for flood protection services?

Equiptment such as cameras, backwater valves and sump pumps are used in flood prevention services.

How much does a typical flood protection service cost?

Flood prevention services can range from $150 to $5000+