Plumbing Maintenance Services in Toronto & GTA

Plumbing Maintenance Services

You don’t have to experience a plumbing emergency to call a professional plumber — in fact, you shouldn’t wait for one to happen. A lot of major plumbing repairs become expensive problems and schedule disruptions, simply because home or business owners don’t take time to call a plumber at the first sign of trouble.

Regular plumbing maintenance keeps your home or business’ plumbing system at optimal function. This process includes a thorough inspection, cleaning, and upgrades or parts replacement. Instead of spending valuable dollars on emergency repairs, plumbing maintenance is a low-cost investment that’s predictable, easy to budget for, and costs way less than an extensive plumbing overhaul after a burst pipe, big leak, or flooding.

Plumbing Maintenance Plans for Your Needs and Budget

At Drain King Plumbers, we’re big believers in being proactive and saving our customers thousands of dollars in plumbing and home repairs each year. That’s why we offer a plumbing maintenance program.

Just like you, the last thing we want is a major plumbing emergency. In our experience, it’s expensive, disruptive to everyone’s schedule, and in some cases, costs a lot more than replacing plumbing fixtures as other home appliances suffer water damage. Too often, we see homeowners distraught at the damage that a burst pipe, sewer backup and flooding, or a major leak has caused, not only putting a dent in their savings but also causing inconvenience in terms of not being able to use the kitchen or shower while repairs are underway.

The Drain King Plumbers maintenance plan comes at a fixed cost that’s easy to budget for, with set plumbing services to keep your plumbing system working perfectly:

  • Lowest pricing in the GTA, with preferred rates for long-time customers
  • Scheduling priority for plumbing services
  • Full plumbing system inspection and diagnosis, with options for parts replacement and upgrades
  • Plumbing emergency assistance.

Avoid Plumbing Issues With a Maintenance Plan

Signing up for our plumbing maintenance program is a great way to keep your plumbing system working perfectly, preventing the need for emergency repairs. It’s a small, reliable investment in your lifestyle, comfort, and even your long-term savings, as you won’t be faced with thousands of dollars in plumbing bills if a pipe freezes or bursts, or the sewer backs up and floods. But a correctly functioning plumbing system goes both ways — here’s what you can do to sustain a well-maintained plumbing system:

  • Fix leaks: faucets, toilets, and showerheads are all essential plumbing fixtures that allow you to use water as needed. But they’re also the most common source of leaks. To prevent these — and keep your water bill affordable — make sure to check for drips, water damage, stains, and have this included in your regular plumbing maintenance.
  • Unclog drains: clogged drains keep water from circulating properly through the pipes, which affects water pressure. At worst, clogged drains can cause sewer backups and flooding due to built-up blockages, which can cause damage to appliances and the building structure itself.
  • Drain the water heater: the water heater accumulates minerals and sediments, which need to be drained or filtered out to maintain an optimal flow of water and energy-efficient heating.
  • Check the water pressure: keep an eye out for changing water pressure in the taps, toilet, or shower, as these can indicate a leak or clog that can damage the plumbing system. To check for leaks or clogs, turn on all the taps at once to find areas with low pressure and slow draining.
  • Watch what you flush down the drain: just because it goes down the sink, shower or drain doesn’t mean it’s safe to do so. Waste items like oil and grease, food scraps, and reactive chemicals won’t just clog the drain, but these can also cause pipes to deteriorate. Keep drains clear by making sure that only water, toilet paper, and liquid waste are flushed down, and catch loose hair and harmful debris using screens or filters.

To begin preventative maintenance on your plumbing system today, call Drain King Plumbers at 833-983-5301 or contact us here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is plumbing maintenance, and why is it important?

Plumbing maintenance involves regular inspections and upkeep of your plumbing system to prevent potential issues and extend its lifespan. It’s important to catch problems early to avoid costly repairs and water damage.

How often should I schedule plumbing maintenance for my home or business?

It’s recommended to schedule plumbing maintenance at least once a year. However, homes or businesses with older plumbing systems or higher usage may benefit from more frequent inspections.

Do plumbing maintenance services cover emergency repairs?

No, plumbing maintenance services typically focus on preventive care and routine inspections. Emergency repairs are separate services and may not be included in a maintenance contract.

Is there a difference between residential and commercial plumbing maintenance services?

While the fundamentals are similar, commercial plumbing systems are often more complex and experience heavier usage. Commercial plumbing maintenance services are tailored to these specific needs.

What is routine plumbing maintenance?

Routine plumbing maintenance involves regular inspections, cleaning, and upkeep of your plumbing system to prevent issues, ensure proper functioning, and extend the system’s lifespan.